TARBALLS DUE: GNOME 2.18.2 Stable Release

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the late reminder.  Tarballs are due by Monday May 28th
(i.e. today) before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME 2.18.2 Stable Release,
which will be delivered on Wednesday.

Due to the late reminder, we may provide some slack with late
tarballs, but please try to make sure that your tarballs will be
uploaded before Monday 23:59 UTC if you can.  If you are not able to
make a tarball soon and have relevant bug fixes or translations,
please send a mail to the release team and we'll find someone to roll
the tarball for you!

For more information about 2.19, the full schedule, the official
module lists, please see our 2.19 page on the wiki:

For a quick overview of the GNOME schedule, please see:


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