[gnome-desktop-testing] Mago on Oneiric Ocelot


I want to have a look at GUI testing for Gnome3 and came across Mago.
After installing a fresh, vanilla Ubuntu 11.10 into a VirtualBox VM
and waiting for the updates to finish, I did the steps below (can
someone confirm that they are sufficient?) but received a rather large
list on warnings from mago (see attachements). Is this normal? Is it
normal for the most simple test to take 20 seconds?

Do you have any other suggestions for GUI testing in Gnome3/Ubuntu?

Ultimately, I want to do some performance testing by having a test
script pick the lower right corner of my app window and simulate a
circular mouse movement while measuring how often my widgets manages
to re-render (ie. how long it takes) while moving the mouse around. Do
you think that will be possible?


sudo apt-get -y install dconf-tools
sudo apt-get -y install python-testtools bzr ldtp python-ldtp
python-nose python-xlib python-imaging

gconftool-2 --set --type bool /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility true
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface toolkit-accessibility true


mkdir ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace

bzr branch lp:mago
cd mago

./bin/mago tests/test_minimal.py > test_minimal.out 2>&1
./bin/mago tests/test_about.py > test_about.out 2>&1

Attachment: test_about.out.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: test_minimal.out.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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