Re: [gnome-desktop-testing] Call for LDTPv2 testing


Thanks for the update Nagappan.

A new mago branch branch has been created so that we can check that the test
cases work fine and make some changes if needed:

Also, a new python-ldtp package has been uploaded to the mago PPA both for
jaunty and karmic:

During my tests I've seen that ldtp.launchpad function 'arg' argument has been
renamed to 'args' and that in the past passing arg=[''] worked fine, but now
args=[] is expected. So that small change has been the first one in the
mago-ldtp2 branch.

In addition to this, while running gedit test cases, I've seen that suite
cleanup method fails in this line:
>       result = ldtp.waittillguiexist(
>  , self.application.TXT_FIELD)

I've run  debugged at that point and verified that the object exists using
ldtp.getobjectlist and ldtp.getobjectinfo. However, ldtp.waittillguiexists
returns 0 at that point. Would you like me to open this as a bug under LDTP
project or under mago project?

Best regards,

Nagappan Alagappan wrote:
> Hello all,
> We are in the process of migrating all our existing LDTP API based on CSPI
> (LDTPv1) to pyatspi (LDTPv2).
> LDTPv2 framework was written by "Eitan Isaacson". Thanks to eeejay :)
> In VMware, we have tested the LDTPv2 API's. Thanks to Ranjith Murugan,
> Gaurav Sharma, Anupa Kamath for verifying them.
> I'm sure still there are some pending API's which has to implemented or some
> API's which are not compatible with LDTPv1 in LDTPv2. I request to all the
> users, to verify LDTPv2 in their test environment and report any issues you
> found. We have tested on Ubuntu 9.04 with Python 2.6. It will be nice, if
> you could test it on Python 2.4 / 2.5 / 3.0 as well.
> New LDTPv2 dependency - twisted-python-web package.
> Access LDTPv2 source through git:
> git:// ssh://
> or
> Browse the LDTPv2 source online -
> Thanks
> Nagappan
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