Re: How to detect a gtk desktop programmatically


So, with the removal of this GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID variable, how should OpenJDK -- moving forward -- 
detect a Gtk-based desktop?
So as I understand it, the choices for look and feel are:

 WindowsLookAndFeel, GTKLookAndFeel, AquaLookAndFeel,
MotifLookAndFeel, and MetalLookAndFeel

Of those choices, GTKLookAndFeel is the best answer for any linux
desktop I think.  KDE configures gtk to look nice on KDE, and the rest
of the
desktops use GTK or at least look good with GTK.  Defaulting to Metal
means looking bad on almost every desktop.

Or can you think of a common desktop choice where GTK look and feel
isn't the best option of the available ones?

I think the logic should just be "if running linux, pick gtk".  You
shouldn't need to check any environment variables, imo.


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