Hi everyone,
Hopefully everyone should be aware of the
ongoing initiative to retire application menus. It's almost a month since I announced the initiative, so I wanted to provide a progress update.
The headline is that 23 out of 62 apps have had their app menus removed. A breakdown of the 39 apps that are still to be fixed:
- Merge request pending: 7
- Issue filed but no merge request: 6
- No issue filed: 26
So we've made some good progress, but there's also a way to go. In particular, we're going to need help with those apps that might not be actively maintained. So, if you have time, do take a look at the list and help out, either by filing issues or fixing them.
A full list of unfixed apps is in the footer to this email.
Apps that still have app menus
Pending merge request
- cheese
- eog
- gnome-characters
- gnome-mahjongg
- gnome-sudoku
- nautilus
- polari
Issue filed
- gnome-calendar
- gnome-photos
- gnome-screenshot
- gnome-system-monitor
- rhythmbox
- totem
- gnome-disk-utility
- yelp
No issue filed
- accerciser
- evolution?
- file-roller
- four-in-a-row
- geary
- gitg
- gnome-chess
- gnome-dictionary
- gnome-documents
- gnome-klotski
- gnome-multi-writer
- gnome-nettool
- gnome-nibbles
- gnome-robots
- gnome-sound-recorder
- gnome-taquin
- gnome-tetravex
- gnome-tweaks
- gnome-usage
- gnome-weather
- hitori
- iagno
- quadrapassel
- tali