Since last GUADEC we've created a hidden GNOME hackers group on
Telegram. The members are people going to GNOME hackfests, GUADEC, etc.
Telegram is NOT free software (IIRC) and its encryption is iffy at best.
If you'd like to be added and you fit above description please send an
email to me with your phone number in international format (e.g.
something like +316123456 in case you're Dutch).
Topics discussed: nothing. The group receives little to no texts.
Sometimes during a hackfest people discuss where to eat. That's
basically it. Still, if interested send an email (best to my gmail…
ovitters gmail com).
desktop-devel-list mailing list
desktop-devel-list gnome org
https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/desktop- devel-list