Re: Preserved Window Placement


Thanks for laying out all of that info about the players involved and how they would need to work together for preserved window placement.

On 10/25/2012 08:25 AM, Alan Cox wrote:
Please point me in the direction of the people I should be discussing
this with.

I would say there are three sets of people - for the actual protocol itself which is shared across all the

Gtk/Qt/etc for toolkit level support changes

Gnome for how Gnome chooses to implement and use features of the session

and (as with anything else) sometimes specific app vendors because their
app has bugs

So, you're saying there's a chance?! ;)

That's a lot of different projects to coordinate. I have a knack for picking problems that are very difficult to solve. I guess I'll try to bring up the discussion with the X11 folks first.

Thanks everybody for the enlightening discussion!

Jason Simanek

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