Re: GNOME Goal Proposal: Port to GMenu

On Thu, 2012-04-26 at 13:55 +0100, Allan Day wrote:
> It would be great if we could improve on the current situation and
> ensure that all our applications present an appropriate set of items
> in their GMenu. 

Is there a reference application doing this right?

I ask this because Epiphany¹ has no menu, but does and a funky button
over on the right that, upon investigation, turns out to be a menu has
useful things like "add bookmark" ... but not preferences! Which,
eventually and quite by accident, I discovered was in the global GMenu
thing up top. Oh.

Presumably that's not quite what you're aiming for. Perhaps you can
suggest a current GNOME app that *is* doing precisely what it is you
want us all to do?


¹ Please, for the love of all that's holy, can we please just rename it
from Web back to Epiphany? I thought we gave up that generic no-name
application thing in about GNOME 2.10. No one tried to rename Firefox.
And if you type "Web" into Shell's Overview, you get... Firefox.

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