GNOME user survey 2011 (v6)


Since I have been effectively banned from desktop devel (my posts take
two weeks to be "moderated"), I am sending this mail personally to
people that have been active in the development.

Michael Larabel has offered to host the survey in the Phoronix site,
so I have been able to bring back many questions and not limit it to

I have incorporated all the suggestions and haven't had received any
more in a while, so I think this is ready to go. I say we should
launch it before the weekend, probably on Wednesday.

Michael, is there anything else I need to do to help you put it on Phoronix?

As usual, it's hosted here:


GNOME user survey 2011

=== 01. Do you know what GNOME is? ===
[single choice]

 * Yes [skip to 03]
 * No

=== 02. Which of the following best resemble your desktop? ===
(click to see the image)
[single choice]

 - Windows
 - Mac OS X
 - GNOME 2
 - GNOME 3
 - Unity
 - KDE
 - I can't tell

=== 03. Overall, how satisfied are you with GNOME? ===
[single choice]

 * not at all
 * barely
 * halfway
 * mostly
 * completely

=== 04. Does GNOME do what you want? ===
[single choice]

 * not at all
 * barely
 * halfway
 * mostly
 * completely

=== 05. How satisfied are you with GNOME in regards to ==

  Columns: not at all / barely / halfway / mostly / completely
 + ease of use
 + documentation
 + language availability
 + accessibility
 + community

=== 06. How are you taking this survey? ===
[single choice, with other]

 * Completely on my own
 * Somebody is pushing for me to do it
 * I am acting on behalf of somebody else

 * Other

=== 07. How old are you? (years) ===

=== 08. How long have you been using GNOME? (years) ===

=== 09. How many years of experience do you have using computers? ===

=== 10. How do you compare your current GNOME version with the version
from one year ago? ===
[single choice]

 * better
 * no changes
 * worse

 * cannot say

=== 11. Which GNOME version(s) are you using? ===
[multiple choice, with other]

 + 3.2
 + 3.0
 + 2.x
 + I don't know
 + I'm not using it currently

 + other, please specify

=== 12. Where do you run GNOME? ===
[multiple choice, with other]

 + Desktop
 + Laptop
 + Netbook
 + Tablet

=== 13. How often do you use a terminal/console? ==
[single choice]

 * What is that?
 * When I have no other option
 * I can't live without them
 * Is there anything else?

=== 14. Have you contributed to the GNOME project? ===
[single choice]

 * Yes
 * No

=== 15. Have you contacted the GNOME team? ===
[single choice]

 * Yes, successfully
 * Yes, unsuccessfully
 * No, I don't know how
 * No, never had the need

=== 16. Which other desktop environments have you used in recent years? ==
[multiple choice, with other]

 + KDE
 + Unity
 + Enlightenment

 + other (please specify)

=== 17. Are you using some window arrangement extension on top of GNOME? ==
(e.g. Compiz + plugins, Awesome TWM + GNOME, etc)
[single choice, with other]

 * No, pure GNOME
 * GNOME + Compiz window arrangement plugins
 * I don't know

 * Other (please specify)

=== 18. If you could change three things in GNOME, what would they be? ===
[free form]

=== 19. Do you have any comments or suggestions for the GNOME team? ===
[free form]

Felipe Contreras

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