Re: New module proposal: LightDM

Il giorno ven, 13/05/2011 alle 12.04 -0400, William Jon McCann ha

>  b) we figure out the best way to implement our designs for

It seems to me current design proposal lacks two features (hardware
authentication was yet pointed on wiki page) currently available in GDM:
     A. the ability to choose a different keyboard layout
     B. the ability to select a different session or environment

Maybe A could be implemented through "fixed" status icon, but what about
B? Will GNOME OS login screen allow to start environments other than
GNOME or not?

You said "there isn't a lot of value in having a core GNOME component be
cross platform or cross desktop" and I've learned many new stuff about
"GNOME OS" vision those days, so I'm doubtful...

Cheers, Luca

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