Re: New module proposal: LightDM

Le vendredi 22 octobre 2010 à 01:17 -0400, Ray Strode a écrit :
> Using GNOME session / g-s-d /etc  is one of GDMs main features.  The
> point is for there to be consistent experience on the login screen and
> in the session.

That, I fully agree with. This is a major feature of GDM, that makes
extending it easy and makes a11y support a breeze.

It’s really a shame that LightDM doesn’t re-use this concept.

> Anyway, I'm obviously in favor of keeping GDM in GNOME.  I admit it
> has some baggage (some of it removed and added back later by popular
> demand), but overall GDM is in really good shape as a project.. FWIW,
> your various patches over the years have been a part of getting GDM to
> where it is.

I wouldn’t really call it in “good shape” from a distributor’s point of
view. We have to include an ever-growing number of complex patches just
to have the features that we consider essential, and development
upstream is happening faster than the pace at which we can get these
patches merged. This situation is not new and we also carry too many
patches in the 2.20 branch, but it’s not getting better; the sole 2.30.2
→ 2.30.3 upgrade included larger changes than all our patches added.
Having had to deal again with GDM’s labyrinth of classes, I came to the
conclusion that Robert’s decision to restart a project from scratch was
the right one.

This means we don’t have the same priorities for GDM development, and of
course it’s fine; you’re doing whatever you want with your own project.
But LightDM seems to focus much more on features that do matter for us.

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