Re: Modulesets Reorganization

Il giorno mer, 02/06/2010 alle 12.08 +0200, Paolo Borelli ha scritto:

>  - QA effort will be impacted: I used to run a full jhbuild version of
> gnome all the time and I don't anymore and I think I am not the only
> one... This is a problem on its own (and something the RT should work
> on!), but if "jhbuild build" does not build a full desktop anymore (or
> if it takes 2 days to build because it pulls in 6 media players) we are
> once again moving in the wrong direction

Yes, JHBuild is a great resource, we should make it work and ask
developers to use as "approved" reference platform for GNOME

Something like: if you want to develop for GNOME, then install a jhbuild
sandbox (stable or development) and make your application build and work
inside it.

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