Re: Character Palette: country-specific palettes?

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Hi Sietse,

Op dinsdag 06-10-2009 om 01:50 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Sietse

> Does anybody think they could implement (2) or (3)? Me, I'm not much
> of a programmer, and I'm afraid I don't know how to do either one.
> I've started on (1) already: I'm making a list of the special
> characters of the languages that Gnome supports. See my work so far
> here:

Could you put that in bugzilla please?

> I'll continue with that, and see if I can get it into the source
> code's charpick.c, and compile. (Yes, the default palettes are defined
> in source rather than in a config file. I don't know where user-made
> palettes are stored.)

Probably somewhere in gconf. Anyhow, there's also a bug about the
compiled-in palettes already:

> Idea: for the capital letters (awaiting a Shift-click implementation):
> don't put them into the language palettes, but make a small number of
> 'all caps' palettes, e.g. ÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙ

Agreed, but as Shift-click is not very discoverable I think we should
keep capitals in the palettes anyway. Getting capitals with Shift-click
is nice, but a power user feature.

> Anybody have an idea of how to user-test the final palettes?

Asking on the gnome-i18n list would be a good start. :-)

Reinout van Schouwen

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