Re: Teaching GNOME to students...

Sebastian Pölsterl wrote:
> In general I think looking at gnome-love bugs will already give you
> plenty of bugs with different levels of difficulties.

Exactly, love-bugs where our major concern last year. It was really a
guideline for us to find bugs matching our requisites.

> What I don't understand is why you differentiate between bugs and
> feature requests. From my point of view there's no big difference,
> especially for a programmer. In both cases you get to familiar with the
> code and write a patch.

In a matter of fact, the approach is quite different (in my humble opinion).

In the case of a bug, you are (most of the time) provided with a
_proper_ behavior of the software and you should twist the code until
you match it.

In the case of the feature-request, you are actually requested to
provide by your own what the proper behavior should be... and this small
difference might be quite thin to skilled developer but it makes it a
lot harder to students.

Emmanuel Fleury

Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.
  -- Unknown

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