Re: Low memory hacks

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 06:43:51PM +0000, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 16:30 +0100, Rodney Lorrimar wrote:
> <snip>
> >     * about 2500kb-3000kb by removing all libpurple protocol plugins
> >       except the one you use
> That sounds like a bug in libpurple, which should have a cache for the
> plugins (to know what each one of them does), or use other types of
> files for that purpose (like most GNOME apps do with ad-hoc desktop-like
> files).

I think so. I will look through the Pidgin bug tracker to see if it's
been reported yet.

> >     * 38500kb by not using trackerd and the Tracker applet (tracker is
> >       an equivalent to beagle mentioned on the wiki page)
> >     * 15500kb by removing your distribution's (e.g. ubuntu's) apps
> >       from session startup (bluetooth-applet, nm-applet,
> >        gnome-power-manager)
> That seems excessive, especially given that all those 3 "applets" mainly
> use components such as GTK+ and D-Bus, which would be loaded by other
> parts of the system already, and thus shared.

That's a flaw in my method. I only had a miniminal desktop running, so
the memory for libraries was not shared. I ran another test with more
programs (fish, geyes, fast-user-switch, gimp, epiphany, gcalctool,
nautilus) and then looked at gexmap:

                        Effective Mapped (K)
nm-applet               3569
gnome-power-manager     3360
gnome-volume-manager*   1372
bluetooth-applet        1115
TOTAL                   9416

* though I didn't mention it, gnome-volume-manager was also included
  in the previous 15.5MB figure.

I also updated the wiki to mention this.

> >     * 16000kb by not running nautilus [1]
> That's probably due to the amount of memory used by the pixmap backdrop
> (ie. it depends on your resolution and number of screens). I believe
> there's already discussions of that on Bugzilla.

OK, is the pixmap backdrop is stored by the X server or in nautilus'
heap? I didn't count the size of the X process, but this
1024x768x24bit image might be part of nautilus' 6MB heap.

Also counting to the nautilus figure are the icon theme caches (shared
among 8 processes). Which is OK because displaying icons is what
nautilus is supposed to do.

> > [1] BTW I'm not advocating not running any file manager! It was just a
> >     measurement I did.
> And I wouldn't recommend running without the 3 applets you mentioned if
> you want to get a network connection, have Bluetooth working or want to
> suspend your laptop.




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