Re: Future of GNOME: Semantics

Hello Anders,

Op zaterdag 14-06-2008 om 19:11 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Anders

> Now, the idea is that if we model all of the aforementioned
>  abstractions (applications, mental models, smart devices etc.) in RDF,
>  GNOME can take advantage of the same features in a single unified
>  framework which, incidentally, is also compatible with the Semantic
>  Web (a very likely 'next step' for the current Web).


Thanks for bringing this up. Let me provide a little historical context
for you, because ideas much like yours have been discussed as long ago
as 2004:

(Unfortunately, the link to Edd's GUADEC 2004 talk seems to be dead

Hopefully, the time is more ripe now than it was back then.

Reinout van Schouwen

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