Re: jhbuild status for 2.23.x


> - gnome-session doesn't seem to work. When logging in it just hangs and
> I see a zombie gnome-login-sound(?) process. Tried running gconf-editor
> to turn off the sound server but that didn't help.
Did you manage to solve this? When I start my jhbuild gnome session I
don't see the desktop but just the background color of GDM (In my case
brown because I run ubuntu)

My account has the following processes running

avahi     5377  0.0  0.1   2880  1512 ?        Ss   11:11   0:00
avahi-daemon: running [guzzi.local]
guzzi    12455  0.0  0.4   7484  4540 ?        S    13:48   0:00
/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconfd-2 4
guzzi    12457  0.0  0.2  14340  2056 ?        S    13:48   0:00
/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon -d --login
guzzi    12459  0.0  0.6  30748  6500 ?        Ssl  13:48   0:00 gnome-session
guzzi    12599  0.0  0.6  22604  6196 ?        Ss   13:48   0:00
/usr/bin/seahorse-agent --execute /usr/bin/jhbuild-session
guzzi    12609  0.0  0.0   2924   676 ?        S    13:48   0:00
dbus-launch --exit-with-session
guzzi    12613  0.0  0.1   2760  1176 ?        Ss   13:48   0:00
/opt/gnome2/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 4 --print-address 6
guzzi    12614  0.0  0.3  14580  3440 ?        S    13:48   0:00
guzzi    12620  0.1  0.8  42088  8968 ?        Ssl  13:48   0:00
guzzi    12623  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    13:48   0:00
[gnome-login-sou] <defunct>
guzzi    12691  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    13:48   0:00
[gnome-volume-ma] <defunct>
guzzi    12692  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    13:48   0:00
[gnome-power-man] <defunct>
guzzi    12693  0.0  0.4  15744  4860 ?        S    13:48   0:00
guzzi    12694  0.0  0.4  22684  4784 ?        Ss   13:48   0:00
/opt/gnome2/libexec/gnome-volume-manager --sm-disable
guzzi    12695  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    13:48   0:00
[pk-update-icon] <defunct>
guzzi    12696  0.0  0.7  18248  7376 ?        S    13:48   0:00 gpk-update-icon
guzzi    12699  0.0  0.1   4896  1840 ?        S    13:48   0:00
/usr/bin/obex-data-server --no-daemon
guzzi    12700  0.0  0.1   3768  1220 ?        S    13:48   0:00
/bin/bash /usr/bin/conduit -i
guzzi    12702  0.2  1.1  32612 11712 ?        SNl  13:48   0:01 trackerd
guzzi    12705  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    13:48   0:00
[gnome-at-visual] <defunct>
guzzi    12708  0.0  1.1  47724 11680 ?        Sl   13:48   0:00 empathy
guzzi    12710  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    13:48   0:00
[nm-applet] <defunct>
guzzi    12711  0.3  2.8  92096 29364 ?        Sl   13:48   0:01
/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/conduit.real -i
guzzi    12712  0.0  0.6  29000  7052 ?        S    13:48   0:00
bluetooth-applet --singleton
guzzi    12713  0.0  0.5  16956  5704 ?        S    13:48   0:00 tracker-applet
guzzi    12717  0.0  0.8  25868  9152 ?        Ss   13:48   0:00
guzzi    12786  0.0  0.3   5604  3324 ?        S    13:48   0:00
guzzi    12792  0.0  0.3  24164  3140 ?        Ssl  13:48   0:00
/opt/gnome2/libexec/bonobo-activation-server --ac-activate
guzzi    12797  0.1  0.4   7600  4804 ?        S    13:48   0:00
guzzi    12799  0.0  0.2  15856  2236 ?        Ss   13:48   0:00
guzzi    12817  0.0  0.5  27744  5812 ?        Sl   13:49   0:00
guzzi    12827  0.0  0.3   9760  3652 ?        S    13:49   0:00



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