Re: MAINTAINERS in svn -- have it or no commit for you

<quote who="Olav Vitters">

> > > I'm with Jeff and Vincent on this; I'm worried about the adverse
> > > affect this could have on the release, given how close it is.  Can we
> > > consider delaying it until after 2.20 is out?
> I can delay; just tell me so clearly. Then it will be Dec/Jan ish for the
> new system. However, based on the current account creation speed, I don't
> think that is advisable.

Why the delay to Dec/Jan? It could be done the week after 2.20, or October
if we wanted to give some breathing space.

- Jeff

GNOME Boston Summit 2007          
   "Everyone says they like Free Software - not everyone is ready to make
         the tough choices to make it happen." - Maciej Stachowiak

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