Re: Desktop Session Presence Manager

Richard Hughes wrote:
On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 13:53 +0000, Alex Jones wrote:
Would people be comfortable making Power Manager and Screensaver
Daemon clients of Galago?

Depends, is Galago a recommended GNOME dependency?

Also, Galago is more of a "is user present" if I understand correctly,
while screensaver "is there activity on console" and power manager is
"is there activity on the system".


yeah but it would be nice to amalgamate some daemons (only if it makes sense and does not result in unmanageable and/or over complicated code) to improve startup time and lessen memory overhead.

A general "activity monitor" daemon could be created that encompasses some of these although it would probably be system wide and use the system bus (I believe Galgo uses the session bus?)


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