Re: some more questions on the control center shell, etc

Matthias Clasen wrote:
Playing around a bit more with the control center shell, I have some
more questions:

1) I notice that all capplets appear in the add-to-panel dialog. What is the idea behind that ? Do we really think that users have a need to add capplets to their panels ? It makes the list really long...

I don't think that it is intended. Sounds like a bug.

2) The shell offers me to add each capplet to the "favourites". What is that ? Where can I see those favourites ? Why would I want
to do that ?

This is going to be removed unless you are using gnome-main-menu. I believe Rodrigo and/or Scott may have been working on a patch for this.

3) It also offers me to remove each capplet from "Startup Programs".
Huh ? I don't think there is any rationale for adding capplets to
startup programs, and even if there were, I didn't add any, so why
is it offering to remove them ? If I choose to do so, the shell

Same as above. This code only makes if gnome-main-menu is in use. We are aware of both these issues (which should be filed against the libslab component of the gnome-main-menu product in bugzilla), and are working on fixes.


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