Re: [announce] gnome-proxy

On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 07:37 -0500, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:

> For the "no proxy configured" or the "manual proxy configured" cases, we
> would want the app to cache the results.  getProxy() could return a
> boolean "cacheable" field.  If set to true, the app will not call
> getProxy() again until a "ProxySettingsChanged" signal is emitted. In
> that case, WPAD/PAC would always return cacheable == false and
> manual/none would always return cacheable == true.
> A lot of this comes from the fact that PAC/WPAD are completely and utter
> crack and, while I would love to just ignore them, they are *widely*
> deployed.
> Thoughts?

Cacheable is not good enough i think. I think we could try to return as
much information we can about the cacheability. Something like "Cache
this value for this uri", "Cache this value for this server", "Cache
this value for all http requests", etc. We could also have a signal you
could listen to to invalidate the cache (for when we change network, or
when the proxy settings change). 

I don't know exactly what kind of info we can figure out, but at the
very least we should be able to handle the cases you mention above.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's an old-fashioned gay grifter on a search for his missing sister. She's a 
virginal French-Canadian former first lady prone to fits of savage, 
blood-crazed rage. They fight crime! 

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