Re: Proposed module: gnome-main-menu

On 1/8/07, Kalle Vahlman <kalle vahlman gmail com> wrote:
2007/1/8, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org>:
> Information about gnome-main-menu:

I think I've heard the term "slab menu" somewhere, but that link
doesn't really tell anything about what it does and what it looks
like. Could someone find a better one or write a small summary of it
(more than how stable it is and how much it was tested).
(first image of it I could find in google)

though I don't have search on mine (guess you need beagle?)
I've been using it for about 3 months now and it hasn't crashed.
Its a different way of doing things which might be why others don't like it
Instead of having all your applications directly you get the ones you
designate as favourites. Its kinda like having lots of launchers in
your panel, but takes up less panel space.

I have 7 programs that I use all the time in it and any others I need
I can use the More Applications button to open a list of them all.

The application browser could be faster to open, but if you set the
favourites correctly, then you rarely need to use it.


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