Re: get rid static libraries or fix them

On Wed, 2007-02-07 at 13:37 -0500, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:

> FYI, I've sucessfully built static binaries that link against static
> gtk+, if modules must be opened via dlopen, that is another issue - 
> you still get a statically linked program that searches for modules
> and loads them with dlopen.

But there is no guarantee that every symbol that the module needs has
been linked into your static app. A theme engine(say) could use
basically any GTK+ symbol, a statically built app is only guaranteed to
include the GTK+ symbols that it uses. 

Trying to build an application high up the GNOME stack statically is
just a pointless exercise in frustration, not even counting issues
with library upgrades and security fixes.

					- Owen

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