Re: Proposed module: cheese

On Do, 2007-12-20 at 04:52 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> Homepage:
> svn/git/bzr/...:
> Proposal on d-d-l:
> Short description:
> ==================
> cheese is a photobooth-inspired GNOME application for taking pictures
> and videos from a webcam. it also includes fancy graphical effects based
> on the gstreamer-backend. further releases will include conduit support
> for exchanging pictures and videos and some opengl-love to speed things
> up

hey you stole that! ;)

> Summary so far:
> ===============
>  + there used to be a build system issue (and intltool integration
>    issues), but it now uses waf or autotools

exactly, you can find both waf and autotools in the src-tree and
everyone can use his favourite. unfortunately, just autotools is
supported by jhbuild at the moment.

>  + people generally seem to like cheese (not something visible on the
>    d-d-l thread, though)

sorry, vincent! but i dont have enough ice cream to pay your work hours
for replying to cheese related mails ;)

+ we had a 4 month development phase without any release, and we think  
  cheese should be enough stable to not destroy peoples desktop. there 
  are a few bugs remaining, but we really think, we could do a release 
  on christmas. 


> Vincent
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