Could tasks identify process groups in new session architecture?

I found your guadec-multiuser talk very interesting . I had a question regarding the OS security context slide: o Didn't seem like it was possible to uniquely identify groups of processes.

Wouldn't process tasks be appropriate here?

    newtask - create new task and optionally change project

    newtask [-p project] [-v] [-c pid | [-Fl] [command...]]

    The newtask command executes the user's default shell  or  a
    specified  command,  placing  the  executed command in a new
    task owned by the  specified  project.  The  user's  default
    shell  is  the  one specified in the passwd database, and is
    determined using getpwnam().

    Alternatively, newtask can be used to cause an already  run-
    ning  process  to  enter a newly created task. A project for
    the new task can also be specified in this form of the  com-
    mand. This might be desirable for processes that are mission
    critical and cannot be restarted in order to put them into a
    new project.

    In the case that extended accounting is active, the  newtask
    command  can  additionally  cause  the  creation  of  a task
    accounting record marking the completion  of  the  preceding
    system task.

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