Re: online desktop APIs

I am glad that your original blog was more than just a passing post and something that you are planning to act upon.  I really agree with your thinking on the direction that the gnome desktop should take, or at least a specific "Gnome Online Desktop."  I have actually already started a page on the gnome wiki about it.  The link is  And possibly a more relevant section to your post is  Note that I'm no programmer or interface designer.  I'm just a long time user that would like to see Gnome succeed.  The ideas are still very rough but the main point is that I would like the user interaction to be that you install one plugin for each web application or service and it integrates into all of your desktop applications.  From an architectural point of view that would mean exactly what you are proposing, in having an easy (generic) way for applications to integrate.  I would also like to see provisions for applications to have more specific integration, but still having to install just one plugin for each web application or service.

Very late, but I would like to thank everyone involved for this awesome Destkop Environment.

Kyle Mitchell

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