Re: [+gnome] Re: Showing gnome-keyring passwords in Seahorse [was: Proposal for Seahorse inclusion in GNOME 2.18]

På Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 02:12:57PM +0200, Chipzz skrev:
> Yes, and it is an very stupid idea to use it. Reading those entries, it
> would appear you are just being lazy and care little about security.

What's wrong/insecure with unlocking your WLAN key on login?

> I don't see the point in saving yourself a few keystrokes, especially
> since you only have to type your ssh passphrases once (at the beginning
> of your session), and your gnome keyring passphrase also only once. I
> would advise strongly against using it.

So, adding Evolution to the list, your recommendation is that I type 6
(bios/boot, gdm login, ssh, gpg, wlan, email) passwords each time I boot my
computer (which is several times a day when I'm on the road).

Thanks for your helpful advice. I'll make sure I'll type 6 passphrases to
get my computer to work. It will greatly improve my computer experience and
my feeling of security. Thanks, again.

  mvrgr, Wouter

:wq                                                       mail uws xs4all nl

try walking in my shoes :: you stumble in my footsteps       -- depeche mode

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