Re: gnome desktop integration library

Le mercredi 06 septembre 2006, à 14:01, Tristan Van Berkom a écrit :
>  o The _meaning_ of the library itself causes discrepincies as Havoc 
>  mentioned
>    earlier - why should an app developer have to think there is any kind of
>    difference from a pure cross-platform gtk+ app and a "gnome desktop" app 
>    ?

Because GNOME is a platform and thus has some specific stuff, like all
other platforms?

Sure, some (or most?) of this specific stuff could go in GTK+ or a GTK+
module. But I'm not convinced we can come with a good cross-platform API
for lockdown (since not all platforms will be able to lock the same
things), or that the applet API should be in a separate library
(especially if we're going with a new cool API that applications will
want to use instead of adding icons in the notification area).


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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