Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

Ross Burton wrote:
On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 23:10 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:
The RDF way would be (triples):

  hasPersonalEmail --- rdfs:subPropertyOf ---> hasEmail
  hasWorkEmail     --- rdfs:subPropertyOf ---> hasEmail
  RossBurton       --- hasWorkEmail       ---> ross openedhand com
  RossBurton       --- hasPersonalEmail   ---> ross burtonini com
  RossBurton       --- hasPersonalEmail   ---> ross burton gmail com

You would then be able to query on "hasEmail" and get all three addresses.

okay that looks nice.

I will add some kind of triple store (ie use three tables instead of the current two tracker uses for metadata).

I dont have plans to turn tracker into a full semantic web thing but I do want to take advantage of this in the simplest way possible.

There is very little difference between a database with three columns,
and a true triplestore ("full semantic web thing") apart from the fact
that the former has lots of RDF:s magic inherently available to it.
Which, incidently, is already coded up in librdf.

yes I will borrow some code from it.

As I said before, librdf contains database-backed triplestores, RDF
query parses, and more.  All one needs to do is glue it together with an

thats problematic because we dont just use sqlite for metadata but lots of other performance critical stuff (namely storing results of live queries, merging results from rdf query with fulltext searches etc)

the librdf creates a standalone database so cant be properly integrated "as is" with out existing sqlite stuff (can modify librdf though to do so)

For the query stuff, I would need the generated sql to join against our full text index results and librdf does not provide for that. (it would be too slow and consume too much memory to merge two potentially big result sets entirely in memory). Full text results in tracker are currently stored in a temp table for joining against the rdf query's generated sql in a fast and efficient manner.

so to integrate I would need to either extract code from or modify librdf.

All I need (as we already have a functional and extensible rdf query support already in tracker which is optimised for rdbms use rather than hashtables as librdf is) is just the triple table structure and the rdfs:SubProperty stuff coded in librdf for the metadata relationships.

By not using librdf as is, we can better optimise stuff as JamesH suggested with a flattened table for metadata relationships as well as the fact we already use integer based joins on our tables as opposed to the slower string ones librdf appears to be using (librdf also mentions its not optimised for RDBMS use -

Let me know if you think I need any other stuff...

Mr Jamie McCracken

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