Re: integrating python applications in the gnome desktop

On Dom, 2006-10-15 at 12:32 +0200, Alfonso wrote:
> I hope this is the right place for this question, sorry if it is not. I 
> have googled quite a lot, and couldn't find any tutorial or information 
> related with how can I install my python programms in the gnome desktop. 
> I'm making programs using python and pygkt. What I would like to do is 
> installing them, so that they can be executed just like any other 
> application in the applications menu. If I try to execute a python 
> program by double click in gnome it appears the dialog asking if I you 
> want to show the content of the file or executing it. I know this 
> behaviour can be changed using gconf-editor, but I would prefer not to 
> change it, and still having my application integrated in the 
> applications menu, and executable by double click without intermediate 
> messages.

  Make a .desktop file for your program; it is double-click executable
without the annoying dialog.  Plus, you can install it
to /usr/share/applications to make it visible in the GNOME menu.

> Any information or links to articles or docs, would be very appreciated.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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