Re: gstreamer-0.10.x tarballs on f.g.o: checksums differ from those on

<quote who="Thomas Vander Stichele">

> > The "install-module" script used to add things to takes a
> > .tar.gz archive, puts it in the right place, and creates a matching
> > bzip2 archive.
> It'd be nice if the install-module script would prefer using an already
> uploaded bz2 instead of recreating.  Would a patch for that be accepted ?

Every now and then, I've been tempted to allow multiple file uploads - for
this purpose, but also for maintainers uploading a number of tarballs. I'd
accept something simpler though, as long as it didn't get in the way of
doing this.

- Jeff

GUADEC 2006: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain  
   "The beanbag is a triumph of modern day eclectic colourism..." - Catie

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