Re: FUSA vs. GDM

On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 19:10 -0800, Brian Cameron wrote:
> James:
> Hello.  I'm the GDM maintainer, and this interface breakage was
> caused by me.  I can get a new version of GDM that fixes this
> problem released tomorrow.
> > So GDM has changed it's method of handling configuration in the last
> > couple months. The config file has been split into three (factory,
> > distro, and local) which get merged into the actual config.
> I believe it has only been split into 2.  /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf
> and /etc/gdm/custom.conf.  The factory configuration file is
> simply a copy of the originally installed file so that you can revert
> back to the original settings if you like.  But it isn't accessed by
> GDM when it runs.
> GDM will use the values in the /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf file
> unless the key/value pair is defined in the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file.
> The advantages of splitting the file like this is that the custom.conf
> file is normally empty, and has no key values.  If you use gdmsetup
> it will update the custom.conf file with the updated key/value pair.
> This way your distro can update the defaults.conf file without
> breaking your customizations.  This is useful for when new keys
> get added to the GDM configuration, or if the default configuration
> needs to change for whatever reason (e.g. security).  It also makes it
> possible for multiple machines to share the same GDM configuration
> defaults file if the /usr/share directory is mounted across multiple
> machines.

I'm not questioning the rationale, and I do understand the advantages of
the newer model.

> > The documentation includes a section on interface stability which
> > specifically mentions the location of the config file and the
> > configuration keys/values therein, but as of that appears to be
> > out the window.
> That interface stability comment was added to the version *after* the
> change to the location of the configuration files.  But your point
> is well taken.  I will modify GDM so that if the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf
> file exists on the system it will use that instead of
> /etc/gdm/custom.conf.

Fair enough, but this too doesn't actually fix the problem (described

> > Like everyone else, I don't bother compiling GDM because I never
> > considered it worth the frustration of running a developmental display
> > manager. Obviously this was a mistake, because I didn't find out about
> > this problem until this evening, when someone filed a bug against RC2,
> > letting me know FUSA simply does not work anymore.
>  >
> > The quick solution to this particular problem is to drop FUSA from 2.14,
> > and disable user-switching from gnome-screensaver until 2.16, but I'm
> > open to other solutions if someone else out there knows a way that
> > doesn't involve a huge chunk of code changing two weeks before a final
> > release.
> It's not clear to me exactly what problem you are having.  I'm guessing
> that it is because you depend on configuration settings in the gdm.conf
> file which are being ignored since GDM no longer looks at that file.
> Simply copying the user's /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file to /etc/gdm/custom.conf
> will workaround the problem until I correct it in the next release of
> GDM.
> Again, apologies for the trouble.

The problem is that everything FUSA currently reads from the config file
(exceptions, min/max uid, global face dir, max user filesize, and allow
root) are no longer reliably stored in one file anymore. The config file
location is already compile-time configurable, but as you mentioned, the
*intended* use is to keep everything possible in default.conf, with an
almost-blank custom.conf that overrides a few values.

I probably overreacted by suggesting that FUSA get pulled, but if
there's a pretty obvious bug with recent GDMs (namely a totally
uncontrollable user list), then I'm willing to hold off until 2.16. That
said, I'll try to get the fix done by the end of this week and see what
the release team thinks.

...not that I like sleep or anything ;-).


James Cape

"The greatest kick is the sense of being in the vortex of social
                                        -- Harvey Wesserman

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