Re: Patches for scrollkeeper maintained?

On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 09:49 +1000, Andrew Cowie wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 21:54 +0100, Don Scorgie wrote:
> > Hopefully at some point soon, we can remove
> > scrollkeeper entirely and replace it.
> Oh? Sounds interesting. What With?

As tired as I am of ScrollKeeper, no amount of effort
in replacing it is going to cause it to go away any
time soon.  I consider our documentation system to be
a core part of our platform, warts and all.  And I'm
taking backwards compatibility on this very seriously.
So even post-replacement, I will slap any distros who
don't include ScrollKeeper, or a suitable replacement
package that provides the same binaries.

> [Just out of interest... presumably the time to discuss
> across-the-platform architectural issues is before people write lots of
> code, not after]

Yeah, I'm not so sure about that any more.  I'm becoming
more and more convinced that specifications should grow
out of well-specified and properly-implemented code.

I've had numerous talks with Cornelius Schumacher (of KDE
documentation fame) about a shared documentation system
that would replace both ScrollKeeper and KDE's system.
Interoperability would really kick ass here.

Basically, I've complained for years that the day-to-day
maintainence of Yelp has kept me from effectively working
on the future.  With Brent and Don picking up my slack on
Yelp though, I really have no excuse.


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