Re: focus! (was Re: Focusing on innovation re: mono, python et al)

* Bare bones

Do we take the current core module list, or should we strip it down to
move, say, Vino to a sysadmin bundle with Pessulus and Sabayon? It would
be helpful to have a full and complete list of all the applications
which are currently part of the core desktop. It would also help to have
some idea how to handle panel add-ons (ideally, the core would be C
only, and deskbar would move elsewhere)

I remember that, some handfuls of months ago, Jeff Waugh [1] proposed
a Power User Tools suite outside of the traditional Platform /
Bindings / Desktop (/ Admin).  IIRC he was musing about things like
Brightside and Devil's Pie, but one option might be to spin out
Tomboy, Deskbar, and suchlike into that.

Just one more idea to fling around the zoo.  :-)

[1] I think it was Jeff, but for some reason my GoogleFu is weak and I
can't find a reference in the mail archives.

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