Seg, 2006-01-16 às 19:13 -0700, Elijah Newren escreveu: > [4] gnome-python-desktop hasn't yet been split from > gnome-python-extras but it was a very recent proposal (caused by > requirements of other modules), so it may be a few more days yet > before Gustavo is able to make the split. I would have done it already if some caring gnome cvs admin would have found time to answer my "cvs surgery" request[1].. :-) Regards. [1] """Your message about "CVS surgery request for gnome-python-extras/gnome-python-desktop split" has been received and assigned a ticket ID [ #863].""" -- Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro <gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net> The universe is always one step beyond logic.
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