Re: Moving spellcheckers into the Gtk+ stack

Paolo Maggi ha scritto:

1. Use a subclass of GtkEntry -- not only does this make porting
easier (since SexySpellEntry is implemented as such), but most of the
entry boxes inside UIs don't need spell-checking.  There are some
improvements I'd like to make if porting SexySpellEntry directly,
which I'm happy to talk about with interested parties.

Suppose we have a GSpellChecker class similar to GeditSpellChecker (you can see it as a GObject-class wrapping EnchantDict).
What about adding to GtkEntry the following functions:

 * Add a new spell checker to the list of spell checkers (multiple
 * checkers are used to support multiple languages)
 * Returns: the number of spell checker in the list
gint gtk_entry_add_spell_checker (GtkEntry *entry, GSpellChecker *checker);
 * Remove a spell checker from the list
 * Returns: TRUE if the checker has been removed, FALSE otherwise
gboolen gtk_entry_remove_spell_checker (GtkEntry *entry, GSpellChecker *checker); /*
 * Returns the list of spell checkers. List must be freed with g_slist_free.
GSList         *gtk_entry_get_spell_checkers   (GtkEntry      *entry);

Note that we can add a similar set of functions to GtkTextView too.

I think GtkTextView should implement the GtkEditable interface so you can add these functions to the interface and avoid to duplicate them.

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