Re: Gnome 2.14 Module Proposal: Deskbar Applet

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 22:26:19 +0200, Raphael Slinckx wrote:
> I think the point is clear, python eats your memory, live with it.

That's not a particularly great answer ...

> * We propose deskbar to become an applet, nothing more, nothing less,
> applets are optionally used by users, and by using them users are
> accepting the consequences. 

But this is reasonable. After all, Apple shipped Dashboard which is
notorious for eating vast quantities of memory for something that
is arguably less useful. I hate to say it but that does set a precedent
for adding features that are known to eat tons of resources as long as
they're optional.

On the other hand, if it goes in then putting it in the panel by default
would be quite tempting for vendors (because it's a nice feature and
adding applets isn't very discoverable), and then people who don't use it
would pay the price. 

Worse they'd never be able to figure out why their computer is so slow
because swap overhead is not at all intuitive. Though presumably if they
never use it, it'd be swapped out at the start then never swapped in again.

thanks -mike

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