Re: Gnome 2.14 Module Proposal: Deskbar Applet

Le mardi 25 octobre 2005 à 15:57 +0100, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro a
écrit :
> Ter, 2005-10-25 às 14:39 +0100, Mike Hearn escreveu:
>   Finally, I should mention that a future pygtk version should decrease
> memory usage, and improve startup time, by registering GObject wrappers
> on demand, and by using mmapped introspection information, instead of
> code generation of wrappers for everything upfront.
>   We hope the new introspection-powered version will be available for
> gtk 2.10, if all goes well...

	We (Christian Meyer, Martin Grimme and I) worked a lot on gdesklets to
reduce its memory usage, and iirc, We never got significant results. May
be we once managed to get 1MB back. Fixing memory leak in python gdk
helped a lot, but that was not our code. IIRC most optimizations were
about image drawing / desktop transparency. Which is irrelevant to

	So i can hardly imagine how you could shrink memory usage from 22MB to
15MB for example ... (which would still make deskbar applet the biggest
applet memory wise).
Je cherche un emploi de développeur / admin sys&réseau sous GNU/Linux
JID: TazForEver jabber org

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