Re: ANNOUNCE: Deskbar Applet 0.3

On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 10:09 +0800, Davyd Madeley wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 11:13 +1000, Nigel Tao wrote:
> > ABOUT:
> > This is a small Gnome applet that is like Google's Deskbar, but it 1) runs
> > on Linux, and 2) can use search engines other than Google.
> This is pretty nifty.

Thanks, mate.  Admittedly, I use my applet less often these days, since
Epiphany can Google directly from the location bar.  And as a full-blown
application, Epiphany gets a global keyboard shortcut, which (AFAICT) an
applet cannot.  Kudos to the Ephy guys - it rocks my world!


Tip #1: Stick the Deskbar Applet in the bottom-left corner (and kick out
the show-desktop button) for maximum Fitts goodness.  I've been so much
less productive when looking up anything and everything in the Wikipedia
is just a slam-the-mouse-in-the-corner away.  :)

Tip #2: I just came across a couple of days ago.  Add
this engine to the Deskbar Applet:
u Yubnub

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