Re: Detecting GNOME

Tomasz Melcer wrote:

> My friends says that he was running gnome, and he has:
> Default
It means that he is running GNOME session called Default.
For detection of latest KDE you can use variable KDE_FULL_SESSION.
These variables are set by host computer, not by display computer, so it
works for session started remotely, too.

These two are distribution specific.

> So that's probably not an answer. Also if you will run a program without
> these environment variables, but with DESKTOP one set, for example from
> another computer through network?
Most people want to integrate only actually running desktop. Integrating
"alien" command (started from different machine) is much more
complicated - it can have different environment, theme, different home

Best Regards / S pozdravem,

Stanislav Brabec
software developer
SuSE CR, s. r. o.                             e-mail: sbrabec suse cz
Drahobejlova 27                               tel: +420 296 542 382
190 00 Praha 9                                fax: +420 296 542 374
Czech Republic                      

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