Adding X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=@VERSION@ to * files


The past days, I've been doing some janitor work. Currently, Bug Buddy
has the possibility to read the binary version from
X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version in the * files, so that the user
won't have to guess/visit the about box, a process that often goes wrong
in a myriad of modules.

Although, there are some changes needed for this to work. They are:

-Adding the header to the * file(s) for each module
-Moving * to *
-Adding * to's AC_OUTPUT
-Replacing the * entry with * in po/

I'll contact maintainers directly so I don't step on any toes to do
this, and if maintainers want to do it themselves, it's good. But, I'll
do it if you want, just notify me by email or on IRC (magnon) so I know
I have your permission.

Earlier references:

Best regards,


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