ARC & GNOME [Was: How we make decisions...]

<quote who="Brian Cameron">

> The ARC process is similar in some ways to the GEP process.  So if there
> is an interest in the community to review this process and determine how
> to make it better and less painful, then I would like to let you know that
> within Sun there is a similar interest in making our process better and
> less painful.
> Perhaps this is an area where Sun and the GNOME community could work
> together, review each other's processes and see if we can figure out a way
> to make each others process more fun and useful for everyone.

I, for one, welcome our new ARC leaders. ;-) Is there any ARC documentation
online that we could read?

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
    "The cool stuff coming out of doesn't just happen as
    the result of an accident with a particle accelerator and a goat: it
            only happens when people hack on it." - Daniel Stone

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