Re: Regarding possible inclusion of gnome-isp-dialer

Zoran Rilak <bruce tesla rcub bg ac yu> writes:

> Greetings,
> my name is Zoran Rilak.  I'm a student at the Faculty of Organizational
> Sciences in Belgrade.  I have some questions about the possible
> inclusion of my project into the GNOME Desktop Environment.  First off,
> I hope this list is the right place to start; if not, please be so kind
> and redirect me to the proper mailing list.

Hi Zoran,

Have you looked at NetworkManager at all?  We've wanted to add ppp
support to that sometime, but haven't gotten around to it.  It seems to
be a natural fit to have a list of dialup accounts there.  There's a
NetworkManager homepage at
and a mailing list available at networkmanager-list gnome org 


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