Re: GNOME 2.10 module proposal: libnotify and notification-daemon

On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 07:47:15PM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Christian Hammond">
> > Now, if the functionality of notification-daemon was integrated into some
> > other larger part of gnome, a crash would take that all down with it. Not
> > as fun.
> Not as fun, but at least it might be obvious: "Oh, *LOOK*, my notification
> applet crashed. Yes, restart please." Don't always trust the generic concept
> of "modularity == robust". :-)
> (That said, I agree with the dbus activation stuff, and hope we hear from
> Ray about his plans soon.)

The activation stuff is something that happens now, for free. You
never explicitly launch notification-daemon, ever. D-BUS does that. If
it crashes, the user will never know, because the next notification
will just bring it back up again.

Christian Hammond         <>  The Galago Project
chipx86 gnupdate org      <>
   A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.

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