Re: Proposed: gnome-system-tools

On Sun, 2004-01-04 at 01:52, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> gnome-system-tools
> ------------------
> Hrm, I don't know what to say about these, apart from the fact that they're
> really sweet these days. Clearly people want them, but there hasn't been
> much distributor buy-in or commentary at all, really. I would like to see
> more public discussion in that vein. Some of the tools seem totally ready to
> go, some less so. Perhaps concentrating on a chosen few in this release
> would work? I'm cautiously positive. :-)
> Further discussion goes HERE! :-)

There still isn't much [any?] FreeBSD support in g-s-t, but this is
mainly due to the fact that I've been busy with other components, and
haven't gotten any volunteers from our user base.  However, that may be
changing.  I won't object this time around if the general consensus is
to include this component.


> - Jeff (not wearing his release team hat)
Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome FreeBSD org
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome

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