Re: Follow up about X clipboard

> I would like to 'expand' a bit on your idea for notification icons. What
> could be useful is something similar to what is present in MSOffice in
> terms of clipboard management. You can have a Clipboard Manager
> application that presents the current clipboard, allows you to save the
> clipboard data to a file, discard it, and (I don't know if this is
> possible) save some older snippets of clipboard, or move them around,
> and so forth.

I've been considering that too! I think however that it would be best
implemented not as part of my "keep the applications open idea". I think
all applications should use the same clipboard protocol/API to deal with
the clipboard. This API has to be at the lowest level possible, so it
works in every X program. To me, an extension to the X clipboard stuff
(or a rewrite if it's needed anyways) to support multiple, named,
clipboard items. This would simply be manifested as multiple
applications being able to claim clipboard ownership multiple times.
>From that point it's just a matter of naming one of these clipboards
PRIMARY (is this why X has a clipboard named PRIMARY already?) and using
that for the default clipboard.

But yes, it ends up just being many applications keeping themselves
around long term.

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