Re: Gnome desktop files doesn't follow the freedesktop standards

This is a compromise any way you look at it - but a necessary one.

* we want to reduce the number of submenus, not increase it
* real desktops will indeed have multiple entries for 'generic'
categories like web browsing
* many users do want to know 'which' web browser a desktop menu item
refers to (i.e. would an entry like 'word processing' be a good idea, if
the user didn't initially know whether OpenOffice or AbiWord was going
to get launched? I don't think so).
* we have a HIG for this; we should either stick to the HIG or have a
well-organized discussion around amending it
* the current HIG does have some i18n issues.
* there's probably no perfect, beautiful solution

I have no problem with Mozilla Web Browser (provided the i18n functional
issues are tractable), or for that matter, with "Web Browser
(Mozilla)".  FWIW I prefer the latter, it seems more natural to me and
avoids the i18n woes.  Since other people think that's completely ugly,
it seems obvious that there are subjective aesthetic issues that will
never be satisfied to everyone's complete satisfaction.  So I think we
should focus on consistency and the functional issues on this mailing

- Bill

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