Re: Gnome desktop files doesn't follow the freedesktop standards

Havoc Pennington <hp redhat com> writes:


> "Mozilla Web Browser" sounds the nicest. We should find a way to
> implement that, not do "Web Browser (Mozilla)" just because the spec
> makes that easy to implement.

At least for Danish, "Mozilla Web Browser" is unfortunately nearly
impossible to translate to a good menu item. It is too clunky. I
suspect the same is true for other languages. For instance, I can
translate it directly to:

  Mozilla internetsurfning

But that is not correct Danish. It should be one of


That's quite difficult to read. I've resorted to adding a hyphen (with
the same meaning as comma):

  Mozilla - internetsurfning

So for both Epiphany and Mozilla, you would have either

  Mozilla - internetsurfning
  Epiphany - internetsurfning


  Mozilla - internetsurfning

I don't think either is very good. Having lots of hyphens with
explanations in a menu looks bad.

IMHO, it would be better to always show just one name, *always*. Then
if there are alternatives, make it possible to choose between them,
like the "preferred applications" control center thing. But don't show
the alternative in the menu - that's just a waste of the user's mental
resources. I'm sick and tired of having to read and mouse over the
Mozilla menu item even though I am never going to use it.

Ole Laursen

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