Information sought from Debian Sid users

Dear bleeding edge friends,

I am trying to track down a problem that was reported on
gnome-accessibility-list recently and I need input from people who are
using very recent Debian Sid installations.

The best I have is that somebody who grabbed all the latest Sid upgrades
last Friday is seeing this problem, so I'm looking for people who
upgraded either just before or around that time.

(1) Was libtool upgraded? If so, what version is now being run?

(2) Are there suddenly compilation problems for any modules that use the
standard gnome-common script with respect to the
script? Try to build something like libgnome from a very clean CVS copy
(start with no non-CVS files before running Does it work
when it comes to linking libraries (if you see the same problem I am
chasing down, you will know. We are not talking about a subtle breakage

I know that gnopernicus is having problems. What I am trying to work out
is whether this is a generic problem that affects everybody with some
upgraded libtool version or if it is something special with gnopernicus
(which is difficult to see, since it is pretty standard stuff in there).
I do not use Debian, so I cannot test this myself. But if recent
upgrades have broken CVS builds, then it's obviously something that we
need to fix pretty quickly.

At the moment I don't know if this is a real problem or not. So I am
gathering bread crumbs. Please supply said crumbs.


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