Re: Proposal for inclusion in desktop: gnome-keyring

On Sat, 2003-11-29 at 13:14, Danilo Segan wrote:
> Alexander Larsson <alexl redhat com> writes:
> >
> > The main reason I wrote this code, and why I'm proposing it for 2.6 is
> > that I need it in order to make the authentication mechanism and
> > process authentication sharing in gnome-vfs work in a sane way.
> >
> Since this is not going to go in platform for 2.6 (as you say), I
> wonder what's the general guideline for dependencies of platform
> libraries (like gnome-vfs, libgnomeui, etc.).
> It seems to me that this would introduce a dependency of developer
> platform on the desktop tools — is this not strange? ;)

I don't think that really matters - the real point of the
platform-desktop split is to indicate which modules are rock-solid
API/ABI stable, not to dictate dependencies.

I'd be interested in the other points danilo made, namely what its
user-visible name should be and whether it can interoperate with
mozilla/gre, but this is really cool stuff. From the specification sent
to the list it's got my vote, of course I'll have to try the
implementation first :-)

(AES! Yay! Ahem.)

Andrew Sobala <aes gnome org>

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